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Home Required Electronic Documents for Relicensing of Vessels

Required Electronic Documents for Relicensing of Vessels

A Virtual Reality Inspection allows for the Belize Port Authority to waive the physical inspection of vessels for relicensing based on COVID 19 Protocols & Regulations.  Therefore, registered owners applying for a Virtual Inspection of their vessels will need to complete a “Virtual Vessel Inspection Safety Checklist Form,” and submit all relevant supporting documents including images and videos to the Belize Port Authority for approval.

However, the Authority reserves the right to inspect any private vessel that warrants a physical inspection.

TIP: In order to avoid processing delays, kindly ensure that you have electronic copies of the following documents on hand before attempting to submit your application.

  • Upload Proof of Identification (Social or Passport)
  • Upload the Belize Port Authority last issued Seaworthiness Certificate(JPEG/PDF)
  • If any information on the current license requires updating, kindly indicate required changes and provide supporting documents for each required change
  • Copy of payment receipt
  • If there have been any changes to the above engines, kindly provide a copy of the receipt of purchase from supplier. If purchasing from a Seller a Bill of Sale, Copy of Seller’s ID, and Receipt from Supplier; required if the engine is not registered with the Belize Port Authority.
  • All images and videos submitted to the Belize Port Authority MUST include a date and time when the images were taken.  All images and videos must be recent within one week from date of submission of application.
    Format of Images:  JPG or PDF Resolution of Images: 1080p or 1920×1080
    Format of Videos : MP4.
  • All images and videos are to be sent to: and properly labelled eg: Vessel Name/Owner/Company/Date.

  • Owners are to include images of the exterior and interior of the vessel, hull & identification number, fuel tank fitting, bilge pump, engine serial number, seating arrangements and deck.
  • The registration number and name of the vessel are to be visible and properly marked.
  • Lifejackets and safety equipment are to be properly marked and include the name of the vessel that it is currently assigned to.

Videos must be submitted to include real-time viewing of the vessel to capture its exterior and interior including operable navigational lights, and safety equipment. If any doubt, the Belize Port Authority reserves the right to request a Sea Trial Report.

Note:  One (01) Virtual Inspection Application Form is to be submitted per vessel.

Disclaimer: Modification of any vessel will require prior approval of the Belize Port Authority.  Any change whatsoever whether to the hull or machinery or anything that would affect the stability or the operation of the vessel shall be reported to the Belize Port Authority within 24 hours of such change.  An inspection will then be carried out on those particular vessels.  Masters are prohibited from using the vessel after any modification without receiving approval from the Belize Port Authority for use of that vessel.

Failure to provide correct and true information will result in the deferral of application which may prevent owners from legally operating their vessels. The Authority reserves the right to deny any application that does not meet the requirements and can at any time request for a physical inspection to be conducted in accordance with the Belize Port Authority’s Harbours and Merchant Shipping Act CAP 234 Revised 2011 Section 44 (A-D).

Fees for Relicensing of Vessels

Processing Time

Standard processing time is 5 business days. Additional fees will be required for same-day processing.

Processing Fee

Same Day Processing fee: BZD $25.00 if a completed application is received by 12:00 NOON.

NOTE: All fees will be payable by the Customer for shipment of license via any courier service.

Disclaimer: The Belize Port Authority (BPA) will not be held responsible for any documents mailed at the request of the customer.

Payment can be made at the following banks:
Bank Name Account Number Branch Office
Atlantic Bank 100069350 Freetown Road

Relicensing of Vessel Application Form

Customers are advised that processing time for virtual inspections are within 05 business days.